Need Help With A Warrant For an El Paso Traffic Ticket? I Can Check for you for free!

Warrants Recalled
You do not have to accept the current charges and arrest warrant against you by fighting back. El Paso Traffic Ticket Firm Attorney, Robert Navar, has aggressively represented thousands of clients beating active arrest warrants throughout El Paso, Texas.
In addition to removing the active arrest warrant, I will also help you resolve the underlying offenses. Exercise your rights by hiring a tenacious and unrelenting warrant lawyer for traffic tickets.
Got Active Traffic Ticket Warrants? Get a FREE case evaluation
Call me a warrant lawyer for traffic tickets in El Paso to receive a FREE CASE STRATEGY SESSION now. After a brief phone call, you will understand all the options available in your case.
Call me at (915) 503-1600 to learn how I will help. You can also send a message via my free Check for Warrants form.
Traffic Ticket Warrants Are a Serious Issue
When a driver does not follow a court order, the judge will issue an arrest warrant. These types of warrants are also formally called “bench warrants.” Technically, a traffic ticket is a court order.
When you do not pay the ticket, no matter the circumstances, it leads to the criminal justice court issuing a bench warrant attached to your name and license.
Unnecessary penalties for traffic violation warrants. While the process is more standardized with traffic ticket warrants, the system does not mean that there is ease from the burden. Ignoring your traffic ticket bench warrant, in due time, can lead to additional, unwanted penalties.
For starters, lthe police or sheriffs department can arrest you at any time. Plus, you can face jail time, fines, and points added to your driver’s license. DO NOT take any chances with your life or future.
It is not worth it when there is a more practical and convenient solution. Reach out to warrant attorney, Robert Navar, to help you through this challenging, but resolvable, moment.
How Criminal Court Judges Issue Warrants
Typically, judges issue traffic ticket bench warrants after you miss a court appearance or do not pay the requisite fine by the date shown on your ticket. Once that date passes, the court places your case into a warrant queue for judicial review.
If the judge finds cause to sign off on a warrant, he or she can legally do so at that time. As such, it is not unheard of entirely for a case to go from citation to warrant in as little as two weeks.
Start Fighting Your Traffic Warrant Today. You do not have to have to face a traffic ticket arrest warrant alone. The El Paso Traffic Ticket Firm Attorney Robert Navar will help you make it through this moment toward a brighter future.
Call me at (915) 503-1600 for a FREE case strategy session now.
Feel free to message me here or by email at, if you prefer.
Do You Have a Warrant? Check or Confirm Online
Not sure if you even have a warrant? Fortunately, you can check the status of your ticket and any pending arrest warrants online.
First, you will want to locate your ticket. Then, find the name of the court listed on it. If you cannot locate your ticket, contact a warrant lawyer for traffic tickets to help you.
Once you know the court of jurisdiction, search for your case using the most relevant link below:
El Paso County Justice of the Peace Court
For those with tickets outside of El Paso, you can search for your city and county courts using the same court names. If you do find a warrant, NO MATTER WHERE you live, do not pay the fine without contacting El Paso warrant attorney, Robert Navar, first.
Why? Because I have many resources that can help you in more ways than lifting it. I can provide you with legal guidance and representation that works for YOUR INTERESTS.
For you to pay the fine, you must enter a plea of “guilty” or “nolo contendere.” Since there are legal implications associated with these pleas that can affect you, speaking with a warrant lawyer for traffic tickets is helpful.
Types of Traffic Ticket Warrants My Law Firm Fights
When police issued you a traffic ticket, you also received a court appearance date. By signing it, you are not admitting any form of guilt. Instead, you are acknowledging that you have to fight the ticket or pay it.
If you take neither of those actions, then you will likely face an alias or capias warrant. Another possible outcome is receiving additional failure to appear charges, which may also lead to an arrest warrant.
I can help defend you against the following:
1. Alias warrants: An alias warrant is the bench warrant issued if you do not pay the fine or answer with a plea of “not guilty.” As long as your ticket is in alias status, a lawyer can fight your warrant and continue to protect your driving and criminal record.
2. Capias warrants: If you do not follow through on a court order, then the court can file a capias warrant. An example of a court order violation related to traffic tickets includes not keeping a payment plan. A warrant lawyer for traffic tickets cannot lift it, which leaves with the options of going to jail or paying the full amount and permanently marking your record.
3. OMNI holds( No longer active): The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) can put an OMNI hold on your driver’s license for not appearing in court or paying a fine. As such, you are no longer permitted legally to drive on public roadways in Texas.
As a warrant lawyer for traffic tickets, I will help you deal with both types of warrants, as well as any applicable OMNI holds. Some of these issues are as simple as appearing in court and paying a fine.
However, problems can and do often become complicated. As such, it is critical that having a warrant attorney on your side carries numerous benefits.
Bail Bondsmen Are NOT Worth It for Traffic Ticket Warrants

Once you have an active warrant out against you, the courts report it to the North Texas database so that all arresting agencies can see it. Removing a warrant for traffic tickets requires that a warrant lawyer for traffic tickets to file an appearance bond.
In almost every Texas city, bail bond companies do not write bonds for tickets. Often, they take your money and hire a lawyer to accomplish this goal anyway.
You do not have to pay the cost of a middleman, who cannot even give legal advice. While they focus on providing a service, I focus on comprehensive legal care as a licensed warrant attorney in El Paso.
Instead of hiring a bond company, hire a warrant lawyer for traffic tickets that you can trust. I’m an experienced traffic ticket attorney ready to help Texas families and their loved ones beat traffic tickets.
After The Traffic Ticket Warrant Is Removed
After removing the warrant with an appearance bond, your warrant attorney will appear in court and fight the original ticket on your behalf. This benefit is the critical difference between paying off an old ticket and that of hiring a warrant lawyer for traffic tickets in El Paso.
Here’s why: when you pay off old tickets, the DMV subsequently add them to your permanent record. Therefore, you can never remove them without taking additional legal action through a sealed or expunged record later down the road.
These negative marks have a severe impact on your driving record. When a lawyer lifts the warrant for traffic tickets, they do so without causing a conviction on your history to appear.
If you are going to pay any money to the court for old tickets, you want to ensure that you get the most advantageous deal possible. A warrants attorney will review the circumstances of your case to ensure that you are not accepting any additional responsibility.
You DO NOT Have to Hide from the Legal Process for your citation
The bottom line is that ignoring your ticket and warrant never works. Do not make the classic mistake of avoiding it because you assume it is not a serious matter.
Unfortunately, it is. Could you imagine going to jail over a warrant for a traffic ticket? It does not have to be this way. Let my office help you resolve your pending legal issues.
If you already missed court appearances and think there may be a warrant against you, the prospect of turning yourself in is scary. However, it is an issue you will have to address sooner or later.
Before you do anything else, contact a warrant lawyer for traffic tickets with experience in handling traffic ticket bench warrants. Every case is unique, and a warrant attorney will advise you of the best possible course of action to take.
Hiring a Warrant Attorney for Traffic Tickets Helps You
Ultimately, the most significant advantage of hiring a warrant lawyer for traffic tickets is my insight and guidance regarding your situation. What most people do not know at the time of the warrant is that you have legal options that do not result in your arrest at work, home, or school.
Not only are you invoking the protections of a warrant lawyer, but you are also ensuring that you are not getting a raw end of the deal. Your future is too precious to throw away on a single traffic ticket.
Here is how I will assist you:
- Cost: The cost of hiring a warrant lawyer for traffic tickets is generally cheaper than the total price of the cash bond for the warrant. Getting a warrant attorney typically costs half.
- Representation: My office will help you resolve the ticket, too. Aside from fighting the warrant, I will appear in court, preserve your record, and save you increased insurance rates.
- Loyalty: If the prosecutor has a weak case against you, I will fight for a dismissal. Hiring a warrant lawyer for traffic tickets ensures that you are not taking any unfair share of the blame.
- Knowledge: Working with a warrant attorney in El Paso also helps you understand your fundamental rights. You have them, and I will help you exercise them.
Long gone are the days of easily resolving traffic ticket warrants. Unfortunately, those days have passed by us. If you have a traffic ticket warrant in El Paso, you can turn to me for help.
Get the Help You Want Through Warrant Lawyer, Robert Navar
The easiest way to prevent a traffic violation warrant is to either: a) pay it off as soon as you receive it, or b) make and comply with a court payment arrangement. This information is for your future reference to avoid your having to deal with this situation ever again.
In general, Muncipal and Justice of the Peace courts might be able to work with you as long as you are in good standing. However, court clerks can only provide legal information, not advice. As such, you should always speak with a warrant lawyer for traffic tickets for information about your particular situation.
I will resolve your issues by providing trusted legal counsel. My objective is to help you take care of this situation as quickly and discreetly as possible.
Even though driving is a privilege, it does not mean that you are without options if you are facing an arrest warrant. At El Paso Traffic Ticket Firm, our sole focus is on all things related to traffic violations, including warrants.
Dealing with a traffic warrant is scary. Warrant lawyer, Robert Navar, is here to guide the way. Call my El Paso office for a FREE case strategy session.
Would you prefer to message a request for your free meeting? Send me a private email or fill out my secure contact form below.