Your best option is to hire an experienced traffic ticket defense attorney who can help you beat your speeding violation, which will allow you to avoid the fines, higher insurance premiums, and state surcharges. While you can just pay the ticket, it is not advisabel to do so. Driver’s licenses can be suspended if you go over the allowable points of the Texas Point System.
You may have options available to you, depending on why your license was suspended in the first place. To best protect any potential options, do not drive illegally. You could be cited for driving while license suspended, in which case you will not only need an attorney to help you with the suspension but also to provide you with no license defense.
Contact my law firm as soon as possible. Your options may vary depending on the type of traffic warrant that was issued. It is vital that you consult with a skilled lawyer before making any decision.
If you fail to appear to take care of a citation, you may be reported to the Omni Database. When you are reported to the Omni Database, which is maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety, you will not be able to renew your driver's license. The license is not suspended or revoked because of an Omni Hold; it just cannot be renewed until the Omni Hold is removed. However, if you are unable to renew your driver's license because of an Omni Hold, and continue to drive, you are subject to being issued a citation for driving while license invalid. The Omni Hold will not be lifted until the court notifies the Department of Public Safety that you have resolved your case and paid a $10.00 Omni fee ($30 for citations issued prior to 01/01/2020). Not all courts report delinquent tickets to the Omni Database. If you have an Omni Hold on your license and would like help in getting the hold removed, please feel free to contact one of our experienced traffic citation lawyers today.
No, but we will do our best and have a high success rate. We’ll do as much as we can to get each traffic ticket dismissed. The more tickets that you have and the older your traffic citations are, the greater the chance that we can get some or all of your ticket(s) dismissed. We may also be able to have tickets dismissed by certain errors on traffic citations, though not always. Be cautious of any law firm guarantees that your ticket(s) will be dismissed.